
Khadija Djafri -2nd Year Alimah Student, France

“I will never be able to thank Allah سبحانه وتعالى enough that He has granted me the huge ni’mah (blessing) of starting this beautiful path of seeking knowledge with the Light of knowledge Institute. The studies are led by passionate teachers who are always supportive towards our studies but also provide support to every student in their daily life issues by enlightening us with the best way to conduct every single moment of our life according to the Quran and Sunnah.
The actual teaching is also of a great level and quality, and as a French student, the English language was a little hard, but everything was well explained, and all my questions are always welcomed. I personally chose to learn in this Institute even though it is in another country, because of the importance of implementation upon what is learnt, and the deepness of the understanding of Islam and the importance of spirituality and Self-development.
There is so much to say about this Institute. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى reward abundantly our beloved teachers and grant them the highest place in Jannah. Ameen”

Selina Begum 3rd Year Alimah Student, England

“Alhamdulillah, I have had the blessing of being in this Institute and in the company of my teachers for almost 7 years. I thank Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  every day for this blessing. This Institute is a beacon of light that guides me towards the love of Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  and His obedience. The teachers are not just teachers but rather our spiritual guides who care not only about imparting the academic knowledge we need but also, have a deep sincere care for our hereafter. I feel so blessed to be in such company who guide me through every stage in life, blessings, and trials, and always remind me of my greater purpose: becoming someone Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  is pleased with.

The peace I feel sitting at the feet of my teachers learning about Allah سبحانه وتعالى is a feeling that cannot be matched by anything. I pray that Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  keeps me sitting at their feet and benefitting from their company for the rest of my life.”

Yasmin Hussain – 2nd Year Alimah Student, England

“My name is Yasmin Hussain and I have been a student at this Institute since 2020. I am currently doing the Alimah course and Pearls of Hadith course. When I first started studying, I was also working part time but after 6 months I realised that my studies were far more important so I gave up my job to focus on my studies which will not just benefit me academically but also in my family life and akhirah Insha’Allah.

I love attending this Institute because our Principal Muftiyah Zaheeda is brilliant as are all our teachers. Masha’Allah, our teachers are very kind and very patient. Nothing is too much trouble for them, and they are on hand to support us as and when. There is a real family atmosphere in our Institute, and I love being a part of this Jamaat. We are taught to support each other as much as possible and this is not just academically but also personally. I had an operation a few months ago and my teachers and fellow students did a rota and provided food for my family and I for at least 2 weeks for which I will forever be in their debt. I feel closer to this family than my actual extended family because they are always there for me. 

We often have social gatherings throughout the year for Eid and other occasions such as when Muftiyah Zaheeda got her Muftiyah status which was a huge achievement, and when some of us have come back from Umrah, end of term and end of year social events. These are also good teaching exercises and a great way of learning the correct etiquettes towards our elders not just in the Institute but also in our homes.

 I think this Institute is different to other Institutes because it does not only focus on Academics but it’s main focus is good character and self development and this is instilled in us on a daily basis in class reminders. We also have Purification of the Heart session every Monday which is really important to help us spiritually to try and get rid of the diseases of the heart such us anger, jealousy, arrogance to name but a few. We are very fortunate to have Muftiyah Zaheeda as our Principal because she is very knowledgeable and being a Muftiyah is a bonus for us because we can ask her anything and she has a huge amount of experience and knowledge at her fingertips.”

Saida - Lieusaint France

“I had the honour of attending some classes by Muftiyah Zaheeda (Light of Knowledge Institute). It helped me a lot in my journey towards Allah سبحانه وتعالى especially the purification of the soul. Thanks to her gentleness and her hikmah (wisdom) in delivering the classes and knowledge. Masha Allah. May Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  grant her life and very good health Insha’Allah.”

Kanize Ahmed 3rd Year Alimah Student, England

“The Light of Knowledge Institute is a big blessing in our city of Coventry. It is very different from other Institutes that I have come across, as we are blessed with a Muftiyah Sahibah which I have not seen anywhere else. This Institute feels like your part of a family, as we have Eid gatherings and other Islamic events. The teachers sacrifice their time and life to help us to develop spiritually and academically alongside learning the Arabic language and traditional Islamic teachings.

Personally, since joining this Institute I have benefited so much Alhumdullilah, I feel really blessed to have met with Muftiyah Zaheeda. She is like a spiritual mother to me, and many other students. I feel this Institute has helped me develop my connection to Allah سبحانه وتعالى  and is helping me live my life according to shariah and sunnah. The teachers are always there for us, and I feel like I can talk to them about anything, I know the advice that I will be given will be according to shariah and sunnah. Our daily reminders and self-development sessions keep our hearts in check. SubhanAllah what a blessing this is for us, May Allah سبحانه وتعالى give high ranks to our beloved teachers and may Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  reward them for their endless efforts. Ameen.

Jane Diouf - Dakar Senegal

“Thanks to Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  for allowing me this year to attend Muftiyah Zaheeda’s courses in French and English. It has been a great experience to learn more about Islam. What struck me the most was the practical side of classes, but above all Muftiyah’s sincerity, personal involvement, and availability Alhamdulillah. May Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  increase her further in knowledge and always include her amongst His awliya’oun. Ameen.”

Fahmidah Begum – 1st Year (Advanced) Alimah Student, England

“The Light of Knowledge Institute is one of the most supportive and inspiring environments which offers a wide range of beneficial courses. The teachers at the Institute are very caring, as well as providing valuable academic knowledge and, they also make special efforts to provide emotional support. The Jamaat and family atmosphere creates the most beautiful connections, we all strive to help one another and with the precious reminders from our teachers, we regularly set goals for us all to try and better our attributes and implement the Deen into our lives. What makes this Institute different is the focus on improving our character. In particular, the Purification of the Heart sessions are extremely beneficial and encourages personal development using Hadith of Prophet ﷺ.  Personally, these sessions motivate me to keep trying, no matter what the situation is, and is a constant reminder that the struggle will be worth it Insha’Allah.
Alhamdulillah, the Light of Knowledge Institute offers many rewarding opportunities to study and provides the resources to learn about the Deen and help encourage us to implement the valuable teachings into our lives.

Amina Mohammed – 2nd Year Alimah Student, England

“My name is Amina Mohammed and I live in Coventry. I joined the Light of knowledge Institute and this is my second year at the Institute. The light of knowledge institute helps us to identify our inner essence and the quality of our soul. The work on this spiritual journey is to learn how to shift our identity from a sense of self to the realisation of our true nature. As a student of the Light of Knowledge Institute I have become more conscious of Allah سبحانه وتعالى nearness to us. Before the acquaintance of my teachers, my heart was like a flower bud not yet showing the beauty, colour, or the fragrance of a flower in a full bloom. The Purification of the Heart sessions and reminders that we have before class has enlightened my heart and I have begun to know myself. When I first visited the Light of Knowledge Institute in 2020 September, I met my teachers and they greeted me with a soft voice, accompanied by their humble smiles. I found that they were gentle, kind and very down to earth. Meeting them was brief, yet the barakah was enormous. As I have progressed on this path, I have felt things I have never felt before and tasted the sweetness of Imaan. I have learned to use my heart, as opposed to my head in my everyday life. May Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  bless my teachers and all the students, put barakah in their lives and grant them Jannatul Firdous, Ameen.”

Nuzhat Shehzad – London

“I listen to the Purification of the Heart sessions on Mondays.  I am based in London.  I think Muftiyah Zaheeda is an amazing teacher, she is so down to earth, I really love her way of teaching. I look forward to the sessions every week.  I get boost of confidence after the sessions and I feel like doing things to better myself and my family in Deen.  Muftiyah Zaheeda always gives examples and she always mentions it is never too late to start.  None of us are perfect but we must better ourselves. May Allah reward Muftiyah Zaheeda immensely. Ameen”

Fazila Musa – Zambia

“Muftiyah Zaheeda has played a big role in connecting us with our Deen and history of Islam.

She is softly spoken and patiently explains using daily life examples. I particularly enjoyed her sessions in Ramadan, as they provide a wakeup call and a push that I needed. I am grateful to her as she takes out time only for the pleasure of Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  to connect us to Deen. A big sacrifice from her.”

Naziha- France

“I thank Allah  سبحانه وتعالى  for having introduced me to Muftiyah Zaheeda of Light of Knowledge Institute, and for teaching her knowledge to us. Masha’Allah, she is soft in her voice and kind. I pray Allah سبحانه وتعالى to increase her in knowledge. Thank you very much to all our teachers and for making us benefit from their knowledge, and through them, our love of Allah سبحانه وتعالى  increases everyday Masha’Allah. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى protect and preserve you and uplift you to the highest levels of paradise Ameen.”

Copyright @ 2022 Light of Knowledge Institute, 137 Avon St, Coventry, CV2 3GQ
Registered Charity : 1203944