Self Development

Part Time

Part Time

Weekly on a Monday

Face to Face

Face to Face

Learn and study in a face to face environment

Remote Learning

Remote Learning

Streaming lectures online is also available

Course overview

Character is the most important thing in human life. Perfection of character is Islam. Therefore the goal of Light of Knowledge Institute is to help develop the beautiful character of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم of peace and love.

Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said ‘The heaviest thing on the scales on the day of judgement will be good character.’

Taught by Muftiyah Zaheeda.

Course Syllabus:

Learn about the diseases of the heart, their causes and cures along with practical tips on how to purify ourselves from these diseases.

Under the guidance of honourable Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer DB.

Course is free of charge, open to all women 

Course Requirements:
This course has no prerequisites.

Umar Education Welfare Trust
137 Avon Street Coventry CV2 3GQ

Copyright @ 2022 Light of Knowledge Institute, 137 Avon St, Coventry, CV2 3GQ
Registered Charity : 1203944