Remembrance of Allah
سبحانه وتعالى

How merciful is Allah u to His creation! He has made it so easy for us to gain closeness to Him.
The remembrance of Allah u can be done in various ways.
Remembrance with the tongue, remembrance though our actions, remembrance through worship and remembrance in the heart. Each area has a lot of detail however, I will touch upon a few ways in which we can bring the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah u into our lives Insha’Allah (if Allah u wills).

Our Prophet ﷺ:
An Illuminating Light

Over 1400 hundred years ago, when state of humanity fell to its lowest, life was infused with cultural customs that had become the norm, and what was correct deemed to be incorrect. The horizon was filled with darkness, penetrating across the globe and, in many walks of life.

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