Live talks and audio downloads

Lessons that Speak to You

From downloads to live lectures we want you to listen and enjoy anytime, anywhere.

We cover wide-ranging subjects and topics in our talks.
We currently have three main series.

  • Self Development

Personal Development / character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.

  • Talks for Women

Advice for Women on the issues they face daily,  related to all walks of life: relationships, upbringing of children, confidence building etc (one to one sessions available on request) 

  • Motivational

Have you given some thought to what motivates you? What gets you going when there are constant distractions? When your intellectual and emotional energy levels are low, how do you turn things around? Learn the skill of self motivation in light of the Qur’an and Sunnah.

Widely Lauded

We are glad that our students love our talks


Hours of content available to download and more to listen to live

“When an individual is dedicated to self development in every aspect of their life, their good character will radiate to others and, therefore, serve to improve society as a whole.”

Zaheeda Sakhawat MBE

Muftiyah & Founder

Muftiyah Zaheeda has a kind, gentle approach to teaching, that penetrates deep into the heart, and has helped me to develop a deeper love and connection to Allah سبحانه وتعالى and His beloved Nabis. We pray Allah سبحانه وتعالى gives us the tawfeeq to make Amal, ameen.
I keenly await Muftiyah Zaheeda’s weekly sessions as a spiritual treatment for the purification of my heart, just as I take my medications for my physical ailments, and often listen to the recordings as reminders.
Akeela Musa
Leicester, EngLand
I listen to the Purification of the Heart sessions on Mondays. I am based in London. I think Muftiyah Zaheeda is an amazing teacher, she is so down to earth, I really love her way of teaching. I look forward to the sessions every week. I get a boost of confidence after the sessions and I feel like doing things to better myself and my family in Deen. Muftiyah Zaheeda always gives examples, and she always mentions it is never too late to start. None of us are perfect, but we must better ourselves. May Allah reward Muftiyah Zaheeda immensely. Ameen
Nuzhat Shehzad
London, EngLand
Copyright @ 2022 Light of Knowledge Institute, 137 Avon St, Coventry, CV2 3GQ
Registered Charity : 1203944