
Short Course

Short Course

3 months

Part Time

Part Time

2 hours a week

Face to Face

Face to Face

Learn and study in a face to face environment

Remote Learning

Remote Learning

Streaming lectures online is also available

Course Duration:
Taught over 3 months

Course Syllabus:
2 hours a week.

Course Requirements:

Minimum age – 17

Starting Sept (£25 month)
£10 registration cost for all courses

Course Material:
Textbooks and handouts will be provided to the students at the beginning of the course

Umar Education Welfare Trust
137 Avon Street Coventry CV2 3GQ

Payments Details:

Course costs and contributions can be paid using the following Bank details:

Light of Knowledge Institute
Sort Code: 40 18 57
Account No: 50715964
IBAN : GB38HBUK40185750715964

Swift Code : HBUKGB4BXXX
For further details & queries, email: lokinstitute@gmail.com

Copyright @ 2022 Light of Knowledge Institute, 137 Avon St, Coventry, CV2 3GQ
Registered Charity : 1203944